Thursday, October 1, 2009

September Running Totals

In September I ran a total of 122 miles. I did 2 half marathons on back to back weekends. The first one went well ( but not a PR). The second one was a nice race but (I more of jogged it). I learned I don't really have it in me to "race" that long of a race 2 weekends in a row.

October is a bummer of a month as I dropped out of the Chicago Marathon. I am still thinking about doing one in the future. But, I really don't like that distance and I have already done it 4 times. And the training is really long and I like to spend free time with my family....not running ALL DAY. The half marathon is perfect . On a long run day I am only gone an hour and half ( mostly before the kids get up). Plus it is going to be cold soon. And I hate running in cold weather. But, this month I have a little weekend getaway plan. I am going to Kansas City to visit my friend Keri and her husband Ken. We are going to run in the Kansas City half marathon on the 17th. I am looking forward to a getaway. But, the race is going to be really hard. It is super hilly- since I like to try for a PR. I don't like the hills.

October is also busy as it is Baron's birthday. Which there is a lot for that. Oma and Opa are coming to visit. Then Halloween. Wow! It is hard to believe how time flies.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed! Good luck. I'm doing my first half-marathon in February and I start training in November. I'll keep you posted! I'll probably have some questions for you :)
