Thursday, July 1, 2010

June Running totals

In June I ran 109 miles. Not too much for me. But, I am still doing a lot of other stuff: cycling, classes, swimming, and other new things. It is keeping it fun! I just started this week training for the Lewis and Clark half in Oct. It is kind of funny as I can run a 1/2 without training. But, I like to be training for something and trying to improve my time. I am hoping I can run in the low 1:50's.

I have also been thinking about following the lead of many of my crazy friends and do a Triathlon. Not a short one either! only time will tell what I decide. Not so sure I want to do a open water swim. Have you seen how crazy that is? People are getting kicked and they are almost on top of one another.

This month I am really going to try to make a better effort on my nutrtion. It is so hard when you love food ( and sweets) as much as me. But, for me to improve much more I need to eat LOTS better. It is going to be hard while I am out of town.

Also, there won't be any posts for awhile. But, I will have a ton when I get back. I am taking a 2 week break since I will be out of town. As Nolan puts it when you don't work you can go and do anything as long as you can drag 2 kids with you. Getting excited if only I can get everything packed in the next 2 days! That is half the work.

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