Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rock n Roll St. Louis

I ran in the first Rock N Roll St. Louis race today. It was the first time this racing series came to St. Louis. I ran under someone else's name. It's kind of a long story. I did not train for a month due to my dog dying, trips, and family things. So I gave my entry to a friend. Then with a weeks notice a person I know from the gym could not do so I changed my mind. I had a fun time and enjoy the race. It was organized nice, the bands were great, and they had NICE medals. But, I had a horrible time. 17 mins slower then last year. But, hey what do you expect when you don't train hard! I got out of it what I put in. And I will never do that again. My time was 2:11. I thought from the start I may not be able to keep my pace for 13 miles so I should go slower. But, my normal running pace is 8:45 to 9:00 so I find it hard to run slower. So I ran that pace and when I got to mile 6 I thought I was going to die. So I walked ALOT the last half. I would run a mile or so and walk for a few mins. WOW it killed my time. But, I am still glad I did. It was the largest race ever in Missouri history and the first one so that is pretty cool. Below is my splits: Notice the second half ( HAHA)

Mile 1 8:48
mile 2 9:04
mile 3 9:11
mile 4 9:24
mile 5 9:28
mile 6 8:58
mile 7 10:55
mile 8 11:14
mile 9 11:07
mile 10 10:34
mile 11 10:51
mile 12 11:06
mile 13 10.36
mile .2 6.52 pace

Not used to seeing double digits pace. But, it was a better day then sitting on the couch. I plan to start training harder and doing a Rock N Roll race in New Orleans in March.

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