Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First time roller skating

Got one of the videos off of my phone of Baron's first time roller skating a few weeks ago. There was actually a better one. But, it would let me email one that long.

dog "Sandy"

Long story but last week I found a dog. It was a cute,sweet, perfect little beagle. She was great in our home and pretty much let the kids do whatever with her. She never growled once. I was able to track down her home...even though she had no collar on. And the house was bad, they just let her run outside, made her sleep outside, ect. And the guy said he could not care of and did not want. I really wanted to keep her. But, Nolan did not want to. Baron is allergic to dogs and it does not seem bad. He was worried he could get worse if she was here along time. Also, Nolan did not like the fact she did nothing. She was REALLY laid back and not into playing much. Nolan loved playing frisbee with Semo. Nolan also did not want to expense and long term committment of getting another dog. I am still sad that I could not keep. Both kids loved her and love all dogs. And I always had a dog and I wanted my kids to have a pet. Oh well I guess I need to get over it. As I could not keep a pet if both people could not agree.

On a happy note I was able to find her a good home. They have kids to play with her, a stay at home mom to give her attention during the day, a fence, and money to take care of her. I just got an email from them today that she was healthy at her vet appt ( heartworm negative, ect) and that she is doing great at there house. And that her school age boy has bonded with her

Pictures of our first snow of the year

It was not much....But, school was cancelled 2 days and they did get to do some sledding

iphone pics

I got some of my pics of my Iphone. It kind of stinks as I would kind of like to just use my phone for all my pics. But, since I don't have a Mac and Iphoto I can not find a good way to organize and download them. So I guess I will have to mostly stick with my camera!

Pictures from our trip to Powder valley nature center last week.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Nolan had the camera at the skate party. And he did nto get any good videos. I guess he was talking to people too much! I think I liked it so much that maybe I should have my 35th birthday party at the rink (HAHA)

Having too much fun

I am having trouble keeping up. Seems we are always on the go! We are all having so much fun. Plus I have been using my Iphone for more pictures and I have not found an easy way to download my photos and videos. It's like I am missing half my stuff. Gosh I am stuck in the dark ages with a OLD PC. I would love a Mac!

The kids went to grandparents this weekend. First time ever and boy they are having a blast. And they have did several neat things. Nolan and I enjoyed our weekend and went to Cape and also our property. We also had some home time where we got some projects done. I am sure I will have more on this later.

Last week I took the kids to Powder Valley and nature center. It was so much fun and the hike was lovely. Many of the pictures are taken from Baron. He was into posing his sister and I even caught him brushing her hair out of her face. I looked kind of funny hiking as we went on a whim and I had high heel boots on. Oh well!

We also have been playing basketball and volleyball at the gym. Baron is playing on a team again this year. His season starts in 2 weeks. Amelia is 2 young as you have to be 4 before it starts.

Last week the kids went to a birthday party of their buddy Nathan. It was so much fun. It was at the skating rink. It was Baron's second time skating and I think it is safe to say he is hooked. And Amelia did great for her first time. And I loved it.....I felt like a kid again. I think we are going to try to go a few times a month.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blues Game

Nolan got Blues tickets for Christmas...from his lovely wife ( HA). So he took Baron last night. They got to see a winner and the blues scored 4 times! The seats I picked out were really good. They set in the lower section pretty close to the glass. Baron had got a Blues hersey from santa. He was so proud and could nto wait to show his teachers at school.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Grammy and Grampy's house

This year we were lucky to get to go up to there other grandparents house. Oh my gosh the kids had a blast. We had an amazing meal. Dee is a great cook. The kids loved the special gift they got. They loved playing with there dog. The kids love animals. They are already talking about when they can come back. Thank you for the nice evening. And Nolan he got a major award.

Amelia's favorite gift was her Tangled doll from Kaija. Note to self please pull Amelia's hair back before we open presents. I can hardly see her as hair is always in her face.

Nolan and Baron got Blues tickets. They are going on Tuesday. If I do say so myself I did awesome getting great tickets. I have never bought tickets before and I got the lower section at the end. Amelia showing off her socks from her cousin Violet. I had no idea she liked socks so much. Baron showing the nice jeans he got from his Great Grandma. It's pretty funny I overheard him telling a friend about her.....She is really old like almost 100! Becky and Andy got them really cool Knight sets from Playmobil. And the great thing about them is they have a carrying case...so you don't lose parts!

Baron and Nolan made a bird feeder for Opa!

Christmas morning

The kids loved everything they got. Boy, it's not easy to get pictures of everything. We make them go one at a time. But, it is still hard when your trying to pick up trash and make sure nothing is lost!