Saturday, November 3, 2012


It's hard to be mad at this cute little face. But, Amelia has been killing me lately. I hope she grows out of this phase fast. She is so sweet and loving. She has always been the "easier" child.

She has been complaining about everything. Won't wear jeans too uncomfortable ( sometimes that is what is needed for where we are going). Lets see she says her socks hurt, shoes too small, doesn't like her coat, doesn't want to eat (smells funny), all this stuff is in her head.

Whiny!!! I had her in a carseat harnessed and she would push the button to loosen and lean forward. NOT ACCEPTABLE! Moved her to a booster with back and says the shoulder is uncomfortable so when I'm driving takes her arm out. Gosh this is so unsafe.

Getting her ready for soccer was killer. She didn't like the socks, shin guards are not comfortable.

All the while my mom is laughing. Guess I was like this as a child. Funny how things come around!

Just had to vent. This too shall pass!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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