Monday, November 19, 2012

Family photos

We had family photos over the weekend. I can't wait to see how the kids look. They should be ready in a week. Even though I HATE the bow Amelia was wearing. It was my only purple one. It's too big and I have trouble keeping it in her hair.


After pics we played at the park.

Look at Baron. They had 8 feet high rings for monkey bars. We watched lots if kids try them. None had any success. Then Baron came along he must of did 10 times.

YouTube Video

This weekend was perfect. We had lots of time at home. We played a ton outside. Had a bonefire, kids drove tractors, Baron got to shoot his bow a lot ( into a pumpkin)

Amelia went to her little friend Perry's birthday party. They go to preschool together. She had so much fun. They made pizzas, had cupcakes, played, and did a piƱata.

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