Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Amelia's 9 Month Doctor Appt

I had my 9 month Dr. appoitment today. I am healthy as can be. I weigh 18.5 lbs ( much smaller than my brother at this age) and am 28.5 inches long. As the Dr put it I am tall and skinny! My brother was over 20lbs at 6 months old! But, hey Mom used to feed him all the time -since he was so vocal. The Doctor did not think I would be walking at 10 months like my brother. I think that is ok as Mom said I do a lot of special things that Baron was not able to do at my age. My Mom is going to start weaning me off the bottle now. Baron was done with bottles at 10 months. But, she told the doctor that she may let me go longer. What can I say I am Mom's favorite!

I was very excited as I went to bed tonight Baron told me good night. He said good night baby ( if I could just get him to call me by my name).

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