Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Botanical Garden

Today we set out on an outing to the Botanical Garden. It is the oldest one in the county and biggest. It is such a pretty place and has a great kids area( with water fountains). We went with 2 of Mom friends and their kids. So there were 3 other boys that joined Amelia and I in the fun. We had such a fun time. But, Mom did not get too many nice pictures. We even all ate at the restaurant at the Garden ( I was kind of wild since my friends were there). This should make good naps for us today. I was so tired from trying to keep up with the big kids. Do you like our group shoot. We could not get all 5 of us happy and looking at the camera. Can you tell Amelia is a 2nd child Mom let a 4.5 year old hold her for the picture! ( she was close by)

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