Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm such a big girl

Yep it is me Amelia you don't here from me as much as my big brother. We are having such a fun summer with Mommy. I thought I would give a few updates on what I have been updating. Boy, I am changing fast ( not so sure Mom is ready for this). I know know all my body parts, can run, climb on just about anything. Mom is also working on Baron and I staying close together so I don't need a stroller. So I will often hold Baron's hand when going in and out of stores. He knows he has to go slow with me and does a good job. Mom also noticed that I have been wanting to go to the bathroom when Baron goes. So the last 2 days she has set me on the toilet and I have went to the bathroom for her. It funny how watching a big brother works both ways sometimes it is great sometimes not so good when I see things I am not capable of. Mom is not going to potty train me till I can talk better so maybe around Christmas ( she is just getting over all the time in the bathroom with Baron). He was fully trained even at night a few month before he was 2.5. But he was going on the toilet since 2 and I am kind of ahead of him ( at least that is with Mom says)

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