Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pool Slide

Baron discovered the pool slide and loved it. Boy you go fast. He is only able to do the blue one as the yellow one you have to be taller. He was with his buddies Gus and Nathan. I guess the peer pressure set in. I know which one he is...but it is kind of hard to tell. He has blue goggles on and a sort of plaid swim trunks. I would not of been so far of way.....If it was not for Amelia having a temper tantrum on the side. Wow if its not one its the other. Thanks to Jenn and Crystal for keeping a eye on Baron while she "rested". She was so ready for nap but Baron was still having a blast. It was so cute. His buddies and him would hold hand to the top and go down again. They must of went 50 times! What else can you do when the heat index is 115 degrees. It does make for good naps (yippee for Mom)!
Also Baron has picked right off with the swimming again. And now can swim quite away on his own. He even knows some strokes.

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