Monday, August 16, 2010

Sleepy Bear Dunes

This was the only activity that did not go as well as planned. We have went the last 3 years and had a fun time. But, this year they are having a "heat wave" also. It was not to bad and I enjoyed the temps out. much better then home! But, out of all our days this was the hottest. We did not get to the dunes till almost 11am. The kids slept till 9am each morning. Since it was Eastern time and they were up late at night. So we underestimated the dune, how hot it was climbing the dunes, and how hot the sand was on there feet. The kids did really good climbing. They were about the one 2 little ones that made it up. Both climbed by themselves. Amelia had to hold my hand. But, it it really hard!. Pretty steep and and in sand. There is also a picture of me pouting! As my camera was dropped in the sand. We won't get into those details. Lets just say Opa has some trouble carry a camera a a IPhone!

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