Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Baseball party

Baron had his end of season baseball party. It was at a park. It was very hot ( see theme). So most of the kids took shirts off. My kiddos had swim clothes on as they had a water ballon fight/games. This is a second year on Kim and Cory's team. They are amazing people and did so much for the kiddos.

They went out of there way on the party and had lots of activities for the kiddos. Amelia got to do everything too! They both had fun. I'm not sure they have ever been so dirty. We had to go straight home for baths!

Baron and his buddy Adam.

Kim explaining rules for the water balloons

Water ballon fight

Lined up for piƱata

Baron and Coach Cory

Baron and his friend Adam cracking up with soda. We don't let our kids have soda. Special things they can have caffeine free. But, never Dr. Pepper. Oh well it was only one. They thought they were 20 with these. Haha

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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