Last night we went to the drive in. It's in illinois about 30 miles from home. It is very old fashioned. Everything is from the 80's or before. Haha. You get there at 7pm for pre fun. They have 2 movie screens. You pick which screen you want. We picked one to see Ice Age at 9. You get to movies actually. After Ice Age they were playing Brave. Most people stayed for both. We only stayed for one. Amelia feel asleep. Baron wanted to stay and probably could of down it but it did not get over with till 12:30 am and we would still have to drive home. Both Nolan and I had no desire to stay out that late and still have a productive Sunday!
We all had a blast, the kids played, baron ran into a friend ( yes he knows everyone). We had a ton of snacks and the back of the car all cozy for them.
Mini train ride

Called this the "tetanus". Look at it.. It's covered in rust.

Old fashioned merry go around. I told her to hold on for dear life. Oh my I'm sure some kids get hurt on this and the teter totters they had. We took a pass on the later.. Ha

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