Monday, July 9, 2012

No sports

Yep you heard correct we have a week with no sports ( except Amelia's gymnastics). I'm not sure what to do with 5 nights not having to rush around.

Baseball is over. Basketball has a 2 week break while the coach prepares for a tournament in Chicago.

I guess it's the calm before the storm.

Next week baron is going to 3 nights of football camp. It's no pads and just drills. He is not going to play just do camp with a buddy. This mom worries about head injury!

Then in the fall Amelia has 2 nights of soccer and gymnastics. Baron has 2 nights of soccer and he most likely will be playing fall baseball another 2 nights. And that is 30 miles away. We are in the process to see if he can get on a 7u team. It's quite a process! And basketball practice. Not sure what I will do when I need to be in two places at once.

So I guess I am going to enjoy this week at home.

I have a ton to post from last week and hope to get to in soon

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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