Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer is almost over

I'm having a small freak out! Yes we only really have 2 weeks left of summer. After that we head up to Michigan for the rest of summer and some adventures with my parents. More on that later.

I'm trying to fit in as much as possible. There is still a few things I wanted to do before school started. Can't believe my little boy is going to be in full time school.

On top of the fun stuff left on the list. I have to get a ton of other things done before we leave. The kids school stuff bought and ready. Plus Baron needs a eye exam before school. It's the state law before you start school.

This week we have been at the pool. They love swimming. And so do I. Amelia is finally able to swim a pretty good distant with no help. It's not pretty and it's a doggie paddle. But, much improved! Baron is like a fish and has pretty strong swimming skills and can do the whole pool. It works nice that they like the pool with this record heat.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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