Saturday, May 1, 2010

April Running Totals

In April I ran 116 miles. I had my half marathon which was a blast. But, the last 2 weeks I have been slacking. So yesterday I started back up with training hard. I have also started doing new things. I am taking a class at the gym called Extreme Fit and it is Extreme. But, I love it. I have also started lifting weights regularly and have already seen improvement in my strength. And next week starts my summer speedwork with Big River Running. It's on Tuesday nights at 7pm. Baron has t-ball practice at 5:30 so I can only go when Nolan is home. Now I just need to find something to train for. I like having a race to train for and I can't find anything good over the summer. I used to run races almost every weekend. But, now I don't really think the hassle is worth it for anything under a half marathon. I have a few races that I will do in the fall. But what is next? If anyone has any suggestions let me know.

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