Saturday, July 28, 2012


We ( the kids) have a few races planned for the fall. Both kids are doing the Labor Day bike race they did last year.

Baron is doing a triathlon at the end of September. Amelia is not old enough.

Then in October both
Kids are doing the Go St Louis Halloween run

Funny! He is making a weird face. But, baron needs a pair of these pants for his race. They are hard to find in small sizes. I found and we tried on. Can
You believe they are 50 bucks! I think that is crazy I have one pair of workout pants that expensive and I have been wearing weekly for 10 years! I was not going to spend that since he grows so fast and I can't hand them down. I just bid ( and won) on a Nike pair from eBay. I hope they fit when I get them.

With the kids races, my races, and their fall sports our weekends will be busy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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