Sunday, July 15, 2012

So funny

Last week was VBS. Both kids loved it and it was such a special week. It's amazing that they have all the volunteers for it. Big thank you to the adults and older kids that put so much work into it. I must admit I feel kind of guilty not helping out. But, I worked out, grocery shopped, and cleaned during the time.
Thursday was family night. I had not mentioned it to the kids and assumed we would skip. Nolan was out of town. It was later and night and I knew Amelia would be tired. I just did not want to have to tackle it as a "single mom" and I was being lazy.

Both kids came home every day talking about family night. Haha that's what happens with older kids. They both were begging to go. Baron keep going on about singing his songs he was practicing. I was shocked as that is not normally his thing.

Amelia just stood there. She did not want to get on stage. She was falling asleep in the crowd. She only followed Baron. Let's just say singing and dance are not my kids strong suits. I think they may take after his mom. Sorry! Baron was not good. I can be truthful. But, he was so confident it cracked me up. He wanted to show Nolan the video. Told me how good he did. Then when I told him "did you see the lady helping with the hand gestures". He told me yes but I didn't watch her as I was good without help. Silly boy!

YouTube Video

Amelia wanted to act like a plane

Don't know if you can see. But, in the back is a way to weigh stuff. The kids loved this. They donated dimes for a mission trip. It was boys vs girls. Whoever lost got to put chocolate syrup on each other. It was just the 2 adult leaders. They didn't put stuff on the kids. The kids laughed and talked about this all week.

So glad we went to family night. They had a highly decorated pilot there. Baron set on the edge of his seat and loved everything he said. My big boy ever volunteered everytime he asked for volunteers. He was never picked. Judging by the kids he picked I think he thought baron was a little small.

What a great week. Now we have 3 weeks before our 2 weeks up to Michigan and school. Sniff sniff. I love summer!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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