Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The kids and I are traveling over 2 weeks. Last week I drove to Michigan with them. Then we drove to my sisters house in the DC area. We did some fun things there then we are heading back to Michigan. We picked up my niece Kaija she is coming back to Michigan with us. Next week we are doing a little vacation up to the North part of Michigan.

Skyline chili on the drive. He was really into the picture. Amelia refused to even get in it.

We limit video and technology. So they had old fashioned games. They had to circle the color when they found a car that color.

Baron and his Mexican coke. He spent the whole next day driving motorcycles, gators, and tractors. His favorite. He is trying to talk Opa into a gator for his birthday.

The kids picked these blackberries

Eating out. We are doing a lot of this

The girls ready for a fun day

Boys on the subway

Aerospace museum at the capital

Natural museum

Break at the capital

White House

Zoo! Loved seeing the Panda's

Amelia wanted to get her picture by all the statues

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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