Thursday, September 6, 2012

Labor Day

Labor day weekend was spent not doing much. It rained most of the weekend because of Hurricane Issac. And I think we needed some downtime. For the next 10 weeks we only have 1 day with nothing on it!

On Monday we all went to 6 Flags. I ended up getting season passes for next year. Gosh they make it where if you want to go once the season pass is the same price.

Everyone had fun. Baron took the rides to the next level. Being 48 he can do all but 2 rides. He rode the Ninja and two wooden coasters. He can't get enough of it! Amelia did one bigger coaster but she is not a big fan. She loves the smaller rides.

Baron rode this one

Kiddie ride! Baron was not that into it. But, it was better then waiting

Highlight for Amelia

Baron did this too


Baron on the Ninja

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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