Monday, September 24, 2012

No school

Equals fun

Baron was off school on Friday for teacher workday. It could not of came fast enough for us. We had a great Thursday night. Long bike ride and staying up late!

The on Friday I took the kids to the zoo and Krispy Kreme for Breakfest.

It was the best day!

From our bike ride

Notice anything different?

No training wheels! I need to buy her a kickstand now. She still is not great at steering and stopping. But, we will keep practicing. Way to go Amelia!

Looking crazy

Petting the stingrays.

The new seal lion display is awesome. Your in a glass tunnel and they swim over you

Still wants to climb on whatever he can find

He sure loves animals and the goats. He was cracking me up as he was giving them "Mohawks"

These apes were crazy. They spent 30 mins doing tricks for the kids. So fun!

For Oma ( flamingos)

Hasn't had one since vacation in August. Finished the day off with a Coke!

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