Monday, September 17, 2012

This week

I am really hoping that I make it through this week still sane. Since we have had kids this has got to be the worse. It's actually causing me a lot of stress just thinking about it. We have thought it over and it's soccer really sending us over the edge. We changed leagues and we like it. But, we thought it was one game a weekend. Well that is not the case.

Our week

Nolan gone 2 nights
Soccer practice both kids
Homework for Baron
Pampered Chef show
Oil change
Normal house chores, shopping
Longest run in awhile 15 mile
All of us going to the Cardinals game
2 soccer games for Amelia
2 soccer games for Baron
Baseball for Baron
Tri race for Baron
Baron off school on Friday and we are taking him to the zoo
Gymnastics for Amelia
Soccer pics for kids at different times!

Some of this we had scheduled before we got this crazy soccer schedule. St Louis people love kids sports. I already know a few people that think their kid is the next Hope Solo!

I'm wishing my life away to get to next Monday. I am sort of frustrated but we did to ourself. I need to learn to say no. And I did this weekend. Baron was invited to play indoor soccer over the winter I know he would like. But, we need a break after we finish these commitments. Amelia was asked to play in a soccer tournament. I'm pretty sure she is the only girl on her team not playing. We think she is already getting enough games in for a 4 year old.

And I'm not really sold on school ( ha). I'm still not used to having Baron gone all day. I miss him a lot. And feel like he doesn't have much time to just be a kid. We don't have anything tonight so I plan on taking them on a bike ride or something. He is enjoying it and doing well. But, he does miss staying up, sleeping in, playing, and time with us. I'm sure it will become the new "normal" soon

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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