Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I know this is bad. But, I think anything in a can is called beer. Mom does not even know where I learned this at. As she does not drink and my dad has a beer only like once a month. Mom says in kind of embarrassing when we are at the store and I see soda on the end cap and I proceed to ask Mom for beer out loud in the store. Don't worry I was actually carrying around a can of Joint Juice. I am sure what any 2 year old would love. Mom and her coupons got this for free. But, nobody will drink it! I i don't get to drink anything in a can- but it is fun to pretend.

1 comment:

  1. That aboy Baron- Nothing wrong with a cold beer !! Maybe he is scarred from the few times he see's his unofficial uncle Ken!!

    Here's to him drinking the good stuff... Busch!!
