Friday, March 13, 2009

Family Fun Night!

Sorry we have not posted much this week. Monday and Tuesday it was such nice weather we played outside. On wednesday Mom babysat ( not her cup to tea). Our neighbor who is our sitter wanted to go to her great aunt's 95th birthday. So Mom watched us and one of her regular kids. But, it was nice for her to get a day off- since she never get those. Then on Thursday we went to the sitter. On Friday we played outside and they had a nighttime thing at the rec center called family fun night. We got to play basketball, win suckers at a game (even Amelia got one), and play on a inflatable. It was so much fun! But, we are still trying to get over the fact that Oma and Opa had to cancel there trip. And Mom has a horrible cold!

We are also trying to get used to our new schedule. Mom decided not to change us back to our regular times after the time change. Mom figured that once it is warm I am going to want to be outside and not going to bed at 8pm when it is light out. It is nice since we have more time to get out in the evenings and more time with dad. We now nap from 1-3 and eat at 6pm. I go to bed at 9pm and Amelia goes to bed at 8:30. We think this is kind of hard on Mom - since she likes to go to bed early.

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