Monday, May 4, 2009


Can you believe it - it is almost time for Mom's trip. Mom is leaving on Friday ( before we get up) to go to Hawaii for 10 days.Yep that is correct. Mom and us could kind of benefit with some time away but 2 days would probably be enough. Mom has never been away before. This is very big for us. Amelia has never been away from Mom for more then a few hours and I have only been left twice for like 36 hours. We have really been quite into Mommy lately. When one gets on Mom's lap the other one tries to push the other one off. When Mom takes us to the gym Amelia cries and I stand at the door saying Mommy. As soon as I realize that Mom left I am ok. As they say at the kids club it is all show. Dad says no wonder they are like this as Mom caters to us all day.

We are going to daycare for a week! Wow we are going to be in shock. Dad will be home on the weekends and nights to be with us. But during the day we are going to our neighbor's house Marcy. She is the greatest and does so well with kids. So it will be Amelia, I , and 3 other kids. I will have fun but be ready to come back.

Mom has already done all the cooking ( and froze it). So Dad won't have to worry to much about dinner each night. And Dad has got some outings planned for us! I am sure by the end of the week Dad will be our favorite.

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