Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mom is now in Hawaii

After oversleeping on Friday (she never does that) she has made it through long travels to hawaii. She was supposed to leave at 4:45 AM and she got up at 4:37. But, mom got ready and made it out the door by 4:50 am. Had a flight to Chicago 2.5 layover. Then a 9.5 hour flight ( no sleep for Mom) to Oahu. Then a layover and half hour flight to Kona and then a hour drive to Kristin's house. What a day! She is just taking it easy today.

And Dad has us and we are doing tons of fun stuff. This morning we went to the park and have friends visiting in the afternoon and tomorrow Dad is taking us to Six Flags for the first time. Daddy is taking lots of pictures for Mom- but not sure if they will get posted till she gets back. Daddy will be busy! Mom is going to have some pictures from her trip. We are so lucky we have such a great fun Dad to take care of us all by himself so Mom can get out . This is defiantly way more then when Daddy goes on a weekend float trip! Mom already has some surprises for us!!

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