Monday, May 4, 2009

Just a regular day for Mom

This is what gets from me everyday. You would think at 2.5 I would be growing out of the getting into things. Mom put Amelia down for a nap and she was going to let me stay up a little bit more ( I woke up late). So Mom decided to take a quick shower- normally she does this during nap time or before we get up. she is always sweaty from her morning trip to the gym. Mom came out of the shower and knew I had something since she found me hiding in her bed under the sheets. So turned on the camera to catch this moment to find ( in horror) that I had got the mouth wash and opened it and was starting to drink it. Don't worry I was not harmed. How can a 2 year old figure out the safety cap on mouthwash and how does he get into cabinets that are locked. Yes it is just Baron- no matter how much we child proof I figure them out. I guess tomorrow Mom will wait till nap to try to do anything.

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