Monday, June 15, 2009

Oma and Opa's Visit

We had such a fun time with Oma and Opa. We did so many thing. WE rode a real train out of town for the first time, played in a pool ( thanks to Miles, Jake, and Lucy for showing my grandparents their neat ones), Went to the mall, zoo, botical garden, and magic house. Can you believe we did that all in a week. We also got to eat at a lot of neat places. WE now really love the CheeseCake Factory. Opa is going to put all the pics on a disk and send to Mommy so she can post. But, you if you want you can view on their blog.

We were so good for Oma and Opa. That had tons of strangers coming up to us saying we were the best behaved children. Funny how good we act for other people!!!

Mom and Dad will not be leaving us again soon. They normally include on us was just this was not a real trip with Dad's work and it was not a kid kind of place. When Dad's conference goes to Disney we are coming!!! I have been real attached to my parents since they got home. I cry when they leave the room and say don't leave me. It is pretty sad- But, it is just going to take some time.

WE have the best Oma and Opa... Thanks for everything

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