Friday, June 19, 2009

We have had such a fun week.

I don't even know where to start. WE had a blast all week. Mom had lots of errands like oil change, ect to get done. But, we still had time for fun. Plus we really enjoyed the oil change place. They love us and even let me look at the cars getting worked on. We went to the gym, magic house, Bounce U, Swimming and the rec center outside pool, and swimming at Marcy's. Plus Mom made us some special meals and we played outside even in this heat.You might notice that the pictures are getting worse.. As it is getting harder for Mom to take good pictures as we are always moving in 2 different directions. Her hands are full! At the magic house I made Mom pizza and Amelia got to play like a big girl. We did not stay long as it was too busy and there were big kids there.

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