Friday, July 24, 2009

Hike at Castlewood State Park

Yesterday on a whim we went on a hike to Castlewood State Park. It is really nice there and only about 20 mins away. This was kind of tough for Mom as she keeps us on a strict schedule and this was the craziest we have ever got off. We did not leave till 5pm and hiked till 7pm at at 7:30 and did nto get home till 8:20. But, we all survived and enjoyed ourseves. We did abotu 3 miles. Mom carried Amelia ( and she was wore out after this- it was steep). I walked most of the way. And Dad carried me on his shouldeers some at the end- I was going to slow to make it home befor dark. We love doing things outside. We had a great day!


  1. I absolutely love the pig tails in this last picture. What a cutie pie!!!! For sure this was a Kodak moment.

  2. looks like so much fun! she is so cute with the pigtails!

  3. I can't believe you did a big hike carrying her the whole way!! I'm impressed :)
