Thursday, July 9, 2009

Since many people don't think I exsist anymore

I thought I would post. Mom feels bad about the last set of posts that I did not get much into the action. Oh well theres next year. I am just not able yet to ride a horse, roller coaster, and do fireworks. But, I made Mom pay for it on Tuesday. If you know Mom she is kind of anal about a schedule. She would nto be so bad if it was just Baron- but hey she is busy with us 2 crazy kids. And needs a hour each day to recoup with NO kids. So it is very important for us to nap at the same time. She had been nearous about this for a week. She has to pick Baron up at 1 pm for camp. Well that is during my naptime. Baron can be pused off from nap- but not me. I was tired at noon and Mom keep messing with me to keep me up. She can't put me down for a half an hour. So she sticks me int he car and I can't sleep there well. So this is what I did the whole trip to school. Nice on the ears. It is getting better and buy Wednesday I did better staying up and Mom put us both down after school and she got her quite time.

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