Saturday, November 7, 2009

18 month and 3 year Check Ups

This week Baron and Amelia had theie check ups. There was much apprehesion about taking my well children to the Doctor office when there is TONS of sick kids there. But, I went though the options in my head and really this was the best. The only issue is it is really a 2 person job! It was only me so when the other was getting looked at the other was climbing and running around the room. And Amelia still puts her hands in her mouth ALOT and if I tell the kids not to touch their nose they do it and think it is so funny. I was laughing at all the Moms in the waiting room that only had 1 child and still had to bring Grandma along for help!

We used tons of hand sanitizer and I carried a huge bottle on Lysol in my bag a sprayed the room down again . I know kind of extreme. Amelia still did touch her nose/mouth some.

On the check up side the kids are really doing well. Well above all there millstones and he says Baron may have a few records for his practice. Amelia is VERY tall and skinny and Baron is pretty tall but more stocky. I actually put their heights into a few online calculators where you put in the parents height also and it says Baron will be 6'2 and Amelia will be 5'11.

Here is the stats:


Height 40 inches 88%
Weight ( clothes on) 37lbs 76%


Height 34 inches 96%
Weight ( diaper on only) 24.4 lbs 54%

Here is my other frustrating part. They have always got the flu shot at there annual appointments. But, I was not so lucky today and can't believe that in today's world kids ( in a high risk group and they don't even have them)

At my office ( which is a large office). For the Flu the only have the shot for 6-36 months old. So Amelia got. Then the have the mist for older children. I did not want Baron to have the mist --But, the Doctor said Baron can't even get the mist ( since he has allergies and has had wheezing which they said could be asthma). I asked since he was only a few days over 36 months can he get the shot for younger children. And he said he would be willing to make an exception. But, he thinks it would Be ineffective for Baron sicne he is so big. If he was a small 3 year old they would of gave it to him. So no shot for Baron and they said they have been waiting over 2 months for the dead version for his age. so it looks like no shot for him this season.

Now the H1N1. The only have the live version for ages 2-5. so Amelia did not qualify for this and Baron once again can't get the live version ( which I prefer anyway). So once again no shots for them. It is just frustration to want the shot and have 2 kids that are in high risk groups and we can't even get them. The Doctor has been very frustrated with this. He even said for kids that get the live version and you have to have 2 shots 30 days apart for the H1N1. So for kids getting shots today they are not finished getting there vaccines for flu till January.

I just think this whole thing is crazy. Then I hear that if your kids get the flu the medicine they need probably won't be available in liquid version for kids. The government just released their last stockpile and no more till January. But, now the government is giving pharmacists and parents directions on how to open up the adult version and mix with chocolate syrup to give to kids. You must be kidding me.

Oh what a mess! Sorry to go on.

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