Monday, November 30, 2009

Bowling and More

On Saturday night Nolan and I got out for a few hours to go out to dinner and bowling with Becky and Andy. Their parents watched their kids why Oma and Opa watched our kids. We had a fun time. I have only been bowling 1 time in 2 years and Nolan is about the same. Of course they had to show us up! Becky at one point used to take lessons. What parents pay for bowling lessons? Just joking Becky. But at one time she was really good she bowled an almost 200 when she was 10. But, she was saying she was not so sure how good she would be that night since she did not have her bowling shoes. We all had so much fun. I did not even bowl 100. Oh well you can't be good at every sport! We always have such a fun time with the Brennecke's and are going to miss them when their move to New Orleans is final. Looks like we need to plan a trip.

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