Friday, November 20, 2009

Look what Mom got to do

Funny how these things happen when Dad is out of town. Last night Mom and I put Amelia to bed. Then we went to the kitchen to make lunch for the next day. When we came back Mom went to pick up laundry outside Amelia's room and she thought she heard something. She opened the door and Amelia was standing there. She climbed out fo her crib. ( I moved out at 17 months and she wanted to keep Amelia there as long as possible). We are lucky she did not hurt herself as Mom put her back in her crib and it was easy for her to get out. But, she just hurls her body over the side. Mom could not risk her getting hurt so she put the mattress on the floor and the next morning by herself she converted her bed. She will move to a white twin bed when she gets used to this. Amelia is not much of a fan. We will just leave it at this .....Good think she can't open doors yet ( I could at that age). Mom is just bummed that she can't at least have 1 kid that is a little less active. Looks like things are changing aroudn the Brunnworth household.

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