Saturday, November 21, 2009

Washington Missouri

Today was a great day. We made the hour drive to Washington Missouri. It is a small charming town on the Missouri River. Daddy had been wanting to visit the Gary Lucy art gallery. He is a Semo grad and Dad met him though work. He is actully quite famous in the art world. He has some amazing art work and has even been featured on some of the US coins. His website is But, when we dropped in to his gallery we were given a personal tour of his gallery and his studio. Then he made Amelia and I amazing pictures and signed them. He had a wonderful story behind these birds he made for us. We even got a cookie from him ( which Mom made us go outside to eat). We then got to go to a neat restaurant, many neat stores ( Mom found tons of great stuff), we throw rocks in the river, looked at trains, what a day. We were great kiddos. Amelia was sort of fussy..... But, she has been fighting off a cold and we did not really have naps today.

1 comment:

  1. It really looks like you guys had a wonderful trip. Looks like fun!
