Tonight we were lucky enough to be invited to our friends B-day party. Drew just turned 4 and his younger sister Leah is Amelia's age. It was such a great time. I have not been going to these places for awhile by myself since it it hard to keep track of my kids and I won't let Baron be out of my sight. Well tonight was great. I knew almost everyone at the party and Baron has several friends at the party. So he was able to go around the room by himself like a big kid. He did wonderful.It was really neat to see him do so well. He was great at helping, listening, taking turns, ect. It was exactly what all the teachers say about him at school. I just don't always get to see he really like to turn his BEST behavior on for me (HAHA). So I dot to spend the evening helping Amelia. She had such a fun time. She had not been to a jump place since last year. She did great and had a smile on her face the whole time. Look at the picture of her at the end. She was so tried she was just laying on the floor. What a fun evening. Thanks Mandi and Greg for the nice party!
It's great to be in situations where you know the other parents/kids well enough that they everyone can keep an eye on everyone else's kiddos as well as their own! I love that Amelia just completely wore herself out!!
I am a stay at home mom to Baron and Amelia. And wife to Nolan for 11 years. I love to run and workout. I am in my mid 30's trying to balance life. We lead a very active lifestyle. We hike, camp, swim, and pretty much enjoy anything outdoors.
It's great to be in situations where you know the other parents/kids well enough that they everyone can keep an eye on everyone else's kiddos as well as their own! I love that Amelia just completely wore herself out!!