Over the weekend we went on a overnight Float Trip. This was Amelia's first. We did 10 miles on the Current River in the Ozark National Forest. We did about 9 miles the first day then did primitive camping on a gravel bar and finished the rest the second day. Pretty safe to say Baron and Amelia were the only kiddos on the river. We were blessed with wonderful weather and not too much traffic. The kids had a blast and really had a great time. They were even swimming and the water temperature was only in the high 60's. Nolan and I really enjoyed watching the kids have such a great time. And Baron was a great big brother. He was really showing his sister how to do everything and helping her. But, Nolan and I are really wore out. It was hard with both kids. They had missed naps and Baron was ok with this. But, Amelia had some minor fits about little things. It was a fun weekend but we are now ready for a good night sleep. We just brought our backpacking tent ( saving space ). It is a one person tent and I slept in the tent with both kids and Nolan slept outside the tent. It was cute when the kids woke up the wanted to go cuddle with Dad!
I almost forgot Nolan caught a nice Rainbow Trout fish.
Wow! That is so brave of you guys do float the river and camp with two little ones! Sounds like it went well. I'm sure they had a ton of fun and I love the pictures!