On Friday it was the talk all day that we were supposed to get bad storms that night. Baron was really into it and asking tons of questions. He asked if he could play outside after naps and I said yes as long as it was not storming. So he then asked if he could watch the weather report. Then when we went outside he kept seeing clouds saying Mom it's a storm. It was pretty funny. Then he was asking about tornado's. By the end of the night he was telling neighbors that if a tornado come they need to go to the basement and hide. Well I guess he has ESP. Because the storms were bad and we did have to go to the basement. Everything was fine. Amelia was already in bed so we had to go wake her up. And the kids were tired since it was 10 before we came up. But, they loved laying in the hall and cuddling with each other. They were just so cute. And Amelia went right back to bed and so did Baron so we just got to hang in the basement for awhile.
This weekend was filled with so much fun. But, I did not take pictures. How is that possible? We had soccer game, cards game, and lots of playing outside and family time.
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