As many of you know a few months ago Nolan got into watching birds. ( No we are not 80). Nolan has even got me and kids into it. The kids let me know when we have a new one and even know several names of birds. Nolan and the kids fill up the feeders. We put out a sock thing with food, fresh fruit, feeders, and suet cakes.
I am always up really early before 6am. I know this is weird as i don't work and the kids don't usually get up till after 7am. But, it is not natural for me and I like to get stuff done and have quiet time. So 2 days ago I walked in the kitchen as the sun was rising and saw a huge bird. I tried to take a picture but when I turned on my camera he flew away to never return that day. I explained to Nolan what i saw and he thought I was over reacting to the size, ect. Well the next day he came back and I was able to get a picture. It is not great as the kitchen was dark and the sun was just rising outside. It was a Pileated Woodpecker ( Woody Woodpecker) and they really are huge neat birds and I guess you can usually hear them on rivers, ect. But, they are hard to actually see.
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