Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My friend Dani is a personal trainer and has her own company. You can find her at She is really reasonable compared to going through a gym. Yet she gives you a great workout. She used to work for a big named gym but did not like the sales tactics they used to get people to sign up for personal training.

But, what is exciting about it for me is that I am teaming up with her on one aspect of her business. We are going to offer a running training team. There is info on it at the bottom of her page where you can find all the info. Plus if you click on the page a bio on me! She has all the fitness certifications and insurance. But, I have a good amount of running experience. We are starting the first training team for the Lewis and Clark race in October this year. So if you know anyone that is interested in training for a race we can help. We will do a customized running plan and have a weekly training run. And all of my friends that normally run with me are still welcome to come along with us.

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