Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Crazy Week

I am posting today to apologize for my Mom's lack of pictures this week. I have decided that last 2 days that I don't need naps anymore. Mom is not willing to give up. But, it is pretty funny as I have her in a real frazzled state.

This week has been busy. Mom took me to visit where I will be starting preschool in the Fall. It is called Abiding Savior Lutheran Church ( It's not our church - but they are supposed to have great programs). This is there website: http://www.abidingsaviorlutheran.org/earlychildhood/earlychildhood_home.htm.
Turns out I wam going to get 3 years of school since I don't meet the Aug 1st deadline for Missouri. I bet Mom will miss me. Mom still has to see if I get in as this year they were full.

Dad has been out of town so Amelia and I have been doing lots of stuff with Mom this week. We are going to the Magic House and maybe to the park if the weather gets better. And I am so excited as Mom is taking me swimming tomorrow. I am getting pretty good.

I will make sure Mom gets some pics in the next few days! Or I will put her in timeout.

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