Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's Over

Amelia my "baby" is done getting bottles. Kind of sad in a way that she is a big girl now and does not need them. Mom kind of misses holding her and giving her bottle each night. But, Mom said if she continued to give them to her it would be just for her and she guesses this is just her next chapter of growing up!!! Oh well she will always be my "baby". I am not even sure she has another name. She did pretty good. I help Mom tuck her in each night. And last night she cried when we put her in bed ( but it was all for show) as soon as I said "night night" and closed the door she layed down and went to bed and slept till 7am. But, for some reason she does not like when I pick out toys and put in her crib to sleep with. See I like sleeping with hard books, firetrucks, trains, really whatever I am into that day. But, she kind of gets mad when I chuck a hard toy in her bed. Mom says she is more into blankets.

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