Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Every Boy's Dream

On Sunday in Cape our friends Ben and Stacy invited us out to there house for a BBQ and some fun. I loved it. But, I was VERY tired and it really started to show at the end. Ben is Daddy's college roommate. He does farming and has every kind of big piece of equipment you could imagine. There was like 15 things to look at. I got to get in a combine! The tires are taller then Mommy. We used a skid loader ( kind of like bob cat) and Ben took us around to move gravel. They have a pool, a crocked house, a huge slide Ben made, and a awesome swing set. I never wanted to leave this great place. It was heaven for me! Big toys, dirt, a tons of fun. Griffin was even nice enough to share all his toys. I even got to drive his Gator. He is a pretty experienced driver . Just like me! We went all around.

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