Saturday, September 26, 2009


Friday we went to the zoo. We go about once a month. Friday was perfect as the weather was cooler and there were not too much of a crowd. Since we got there early ( at 9am) we got to see tons of stuff before heading home for naps. We did the goats, train, children's zoo, carousal, penguins, tigers, bears, and chimps. Then Mom even packed us a picnic lunch and bought us popcorn. We had a great day. We told Mom to chill for awhile as we got dirty in the goat area ( it was kind of wet). So we had to go the the bathroom and get cleaned up as best as possible. Mom had goat poop on her pants and was grossed out. Amelia had it on her shoe and when she picked her up in went on her pants. Saturday Dad leaves to go to Denver till Tuesday night for work. But, mom thinks she will make it! Tomorrow she is taking us to Suson park with Becky and her boys. Then we are planning on lunch at Chevy's with us. That should be fun 4 kids and 2 adults!. Then on Monday I go to school for 2.5 hours. I am really looking forward to going it is YELLOW WEEK. I am even supposed to wear a yellow shirt. I will have to ask Mom if I have one.

And yes i wore my shirt backwards the whole day. I said I liked it that way and Mom has to pick her battles. At least I dress myself.

Also, don't tell anyone. I am scared of carousals. So I would only sit on the bench. While Amelia got to ride on an animal. I try to pretend I am tough. But I have a sensitive side.

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