Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Race Report: Lewis and Clark Half Marathon

On Sunday I ran in the Lewis and Clark Half Marathon in St. Charles. It was great Keri my friend from Kansas came in for the weekend and we ran together. We actually ran the Go St. Louis together in April. And we are planning on me going to KC in October for another race. The weather was pretty good- it did get pretty warm towards the end. The only negative was we had to get up at 4:40 am to go to the race. I ran 2:03 not a PR - but I am happy with that time. I did well the fist 9 miles. I had to stop to go to the bathroom at 1.5 mile ( the first time it has ever happened) and it really slowed me down 10 min mile. So I ran pretty fast for a number of miles to make up for this. At miles 7 there was a pretty long steep hill when we ran on a major highway over the Missouri River ( which was neat). I was feeling pretty tired. But, at mile 8 I saw my training buddy and friend volunteering at the GU station. Which gave me some more push. I just could not keep my pace up and once I realized I was about a min off pace I new there was no way I could make that up in a few miles. We got awesome medals and I got two ( since we got a second one for doing what is called run around town). Running the 2 major St. Louis races in one year. I have no pictures as I don't carry a camera. Once I get the Link or the professional ones i will let you know. Off to train for another half marathon this week. Which is really hilly so my time will probably not be that great. My splits are below:

Mile 1 9:02
Mile 2 9:59
Mile 3 8:21
Mile 4 8:52
Mile 5 8:55
Mile 6 9:07
Mile 7 9:26
Mile 8 9:41
Mile 9 9:41
Mile 10 9:45
Mile 11 9:35
Mile 12 10:28
Mile 13 9:45

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