Friday, May 4, 2012

Amelia is the big 4!!

It's hard to believe that our "baby" is four. Last Friday she had her birthday and we all had a wonderful time. Time has just went by very fast. It just seemed like yesterday she was born. On Friday we just went to the gym then came home and waited till Nolan came home from work. We had presents, went to Chevy's ( they love that for birthdays as they sing and give you a hat, and came home and had cake. My parents did not come down like usual since we just saw them 2 weeks ago at vacation. Amelia loved her cake, Chevy's, and all her presents. Her favorites were her barbie ( from Grammy and Grampy), tinkerbell pillow ( from Oma & Opa), her tea set ( from Kaija), and her American Girl doll, and bike from us. On Saturday we went to the new American Girl Store in St. Louis. We went with her Grammy. I did not really get any pictures. She had a lot of fun. But, I was not impressed. It was nothing compared to the store and restaurant in Chicago. It did not help that our waitress was as slow as a turtle. Oh well! On Sunday Nolan and Baron went to the Cardinal game so Amelia and I went to Chuck E Cheese. Oh my she loves the kiddie casino!

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