Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer break

Summer break is off to a great start! Fun! They went to Chuck E Cheese with friends on Thursday. Then on Friday we had a picnic and went on a bike ride. Amelia loves her new bike she got for her birthday.

The kids rode over 3 miles. We saw lots of wildlife. Stopped at the dog park ( of course) and we stopped at the playground. It was so hot!! Afterwards we had to stop at quik trip for drinks.

The kids have just been playing great together. No fighting and just doing there own thing. I thought they would be wore out. Nope they came home for hours more of bike riding, skating, and tractor driving.

Baron also had meet the teacher night for summer school. He is so excited. I had a hard time getting him to leave the classroom. He goes on Tuesday. Amelia and I are really going to miss him. He is so ready for school. But, it was so hard to pass up this excellent program our school district has. We got him all set up with money on his lunch card to get milk ( he wants to bring his lunch) and since it's summer they can get a Popsicle too. It's like half fun half school. Baron has always loved school so I hope it continues. Each week is a theme sports, pirate, Hawaiian, and another I can't remember. It's the first time in 5 years he has been away for a full day!

The kiddos made rally squirrel hats!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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