Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week recap/basketball

Baron had a great week at school. He figured everything out on his own. Got good reports all three days from his teacher. He loves it all... Even the long bus ride. I had to wake him up all three days. He took it fine and dress himself without a fight. Actually, he was ready before it was time to leave. He still had energy after school. The first day he played baseball till 9pm, 2nd day played with a neighbor, and tonight went to basketball camp.

Speaking of basketball he was by far the youngest and we had no idea it was going to be a real coach. He was HARD on this kids. But, he really worked with them. I thought he maybe intimidated. Nope he loved it and wants to go back next week.

The coach was making baron dribble with his left hand and shoot left handed layups

Amelia had a nice week. I'm pretty bored with just one. She is just pretty quiet and can entertain herself for along time. She was also in our local paper this week. They took her picture while at the pool.

Playing with the big kids

His basketball camp coach

Baron sharing a treat the bus driver gave him with Amelia after school


At the library. One of her favorite places

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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