Monday, May 7, 2012


Well I did it again. We went to our cabin this weekend and I didn't take any pictures. Seemed I never had my camera handy. It was 90 this weekend so we all got to swim. Even me and I hate cold water. It's fun watching the kids create memories. It's funny to listen to there conversations. On the way home we stop at there favorite place......caledonia It's a cute small town with old fashioned ice cream, candy store, and antique store

when we got home Baron had to go to baseball practice. I was bummed I missed. But, Amelia was tired and I needed to unpack. They practice for 2 hours. That is a lot in the heat we had. Baron's favorite part was playing catcher. Since he is on an older team they use a real catcher and he got to wear all the equipment. Now off to a very busy week.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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