Friday, May 4, 2012

catching up

I am always behind on my blog. Oh well. We are busy and I don't take as many pictures as I used to. As we have done so much in the last 5 years there is not much left to do around here new. We went swimming today. The kids have summer break soon. They only have 6 more classes. So I have been trying to wrap up my extra projects, fit in my appoitments ( dentist,ect), and do some extra stuff for the kids school. I am still doing my Pampered Chef. And I am thinking of signing up for the sub list at the kids school next year. Baron is in full swing with baseball. Which we had to sell tickets for and I had to work for 6 hours in a concession stand. So hopefully, I will get some pictures of him on Tuesday. I have still been running a lot and just recenlty signed up for a full marathon in December. I am doing the St. Jude Memphis marathon with a few friends. The kids are doing amazing. Baron is beyond ready for school. He is going to do a few weeks of summer school this summer. He likes school and to stay busy like me. Since our district has a great program we thought we would do it. The kids will also do VBS which they look forward too. And Amelia will be doing summer gymnastics. They both will start soccer in the fall. I just have to make up my mind where they will play this year.

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